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Sound Bible Teaching and Enthusiastic Worship

Sunday Worship is at 11AM and 6PM. 

Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study is at 7PM 


9:45 AM Sunday School |  Find a Class

11 AM Sunday Morning Service

6 PM Evening Service


7 PM Prayer &  Bible Study 


6:30PM Youth Group

Worship is the act of loving and responding to God! Through the heart-warming, conservative, hymn-style music and the clear, Bible teaching and preaching in our services, your heart will be inspired to love and to respond to God.


Each week, families are strengthened, encouraged, and drawn closer to Him through these special times together. Each service is carefully planned and prayed over so that God may work in your life!



Get off I-95 and head east into Clinton on Baker Street. Turn left onto Main Street take the first left onto Spring Street across from Clinton Variety. Clinton Baptist Church meets one block down on the right, 10 Spring Street.

Contact Us


Get off I-95 and head east into Clinton on Baker Street. Turn left onto Main Street take the first left onto Spring Street across from Clinton Variety. Clinton Baptist Church meets one block down on the right, 10 Spring Street.

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Where do I take my children?

On Sunday, nurseries are available for your baby through 4yrs. Children can participate in their own Sunday School class. We have experienced teachers that love kids! We also have junior church as option for 5-11 year olds during the Sunday Morning service. Older children are encouraged to sit with their families or friends. 


Anything for my teenagers? 

The youth meet for Sunday School. On Thursdays, there is youth group at 6:30.  Find out more.

Do I need to give an offering? 

 Our service is a gift to you. Though we take an offering in each main service. It is free-will, and there is no pressure to give. It is our pleasure to serve you!

What should I wear?

We do not have a dress code, but many do enjoy dressing up a bit especially on Sundays. Please wear whatever you feel is appropriate. Amongst our members, we encourage modesty and wholesomeness in our attire. Don't let dress be a hindrance from visiting us!

How long are services? 

Services are usually about an hour long.

What does your church believe? 

Click here to learn about our beliefs. 

How can I get involved? 

There are two adult groups you can get connected with. Our discipleship class is all about relationship as seasoned Christians  spend time helping you learn and  grow in God's Word.

Find out more.

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